What does a bibliotherapy session look like?
A bibliotherapy session is a read-aloud session: a facilitator reads a selection of literary materials that correspond with a particular issue that an individual or a group have to address through the session. The reading is followed by a guided group discussion. During the discussion, the participants are encouraged to ask questions and share their stories relevant to issues and situations discussed. The session often involves a variety of writing exercises that provide the participants with another powerful way of expressing themselves.How are books selected for bibliotherapy sessions?
Books used can be fiction (short stories, excerpts from novels), poetry or non-fiction (biography, memoirs, collections of true stories, self-help books, etc.). In bibliotherapy, the value of literature depends strictly on its capacity to encourage a therapeutic response from the participants.Hospice Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, September 18, 2012
An interactive bibliotherapy workshop: “Rewards and Challenges of a Hospice Volunteer Role.”
St. John’s Compassionate Mission, Toronto, Ontario www.stjohnsmission.org
In 2011-2012, Natalia Tukhareli delivered workshops for the clients of St. John’s Compassionate Mission in Toronto.The biliotherapy sessions address he following topics:
- Breaking isolation and building connections with ourselves, family,
community and nature
- Enhancing positive thinking, gratitude and appreciation for Life
- Being a Parent: Joys and Challenges.