Poem Coloring using the database at poetryfoundation.org

(This exercise I call coloring poems. I color as a method to help with deconstructing, then edit the poem down to what I feel are essential components, a kind of outlining. This practice reminds me of the way I felt when a child presented with an activity that isn't quite art, but does engage the imagination.)

My edited version is first, followed by the poem in its entirety. 


The Ambition of Ghosts:  

Remembering into Sleep 

I. Separation Precedes Meeting

A poem, like trying to remember, is a movement of the whole body. 

You follow the fog into more fog. 

When I was little, was I I?

Slower time of memory. 

Once I’ve got something I lie down on it 

with my whole body.

But it would take a road 

would turn, with space, in on itself, 

would turn occasion into offer.

Falling into memory, down, with my blood, 

to the accretions in the arteries, 

to be read with the whole body, 

in the chambers of the heart. 

Concentration: a frown of the whole body. 

I can’t remember. Too many pasts recede 

in all directions.

a pillow behind my eyes

The present. As difficult as the past, 

once a place curves into Hips swinging 

elsewhere. Space 

of another language. Sleep 

is a body of water. 

You follow your lips into its softness. 

Far down the head finds its level 

Tropisms Inward, always. 

Night curls the clover leaf around its sleep. 

Tightly. The bodies of the just 

roll, all night, through subterranean caves 

which turn in on themselves. 

Long tunnel of forgetting. 

Need of blur. The air, large, 

curves its whole body. 

Big hammering waves the distances: 

male and female fields, rigorously equal. 

smaller and smaller in my curved mirror.   

I have un-controllable good luck: 

my sleep always turns dense and visible. 

There are many witches Their songs 

descend in steady half-tones through you.  

Novalis says, "Must the morning always return?"

you’ll die following endless rows of sheep into your even breath. 

Precarious, like Mozart, a living kind of air, keeps the dream 

spinning around itself, its missing core. 

Image after image of pleasure of the whole body deepens 

my sleep: fins. 

 9. Introducing Decimals 

A dream, like trying to remember, breaks open words 

for other, hidden meanings. Intimate equations 

more complicated than the coordinates of past 

Nothing moves in the cotton coma: 

only Descartes "Cogito, ergo sum"

pinches himself and every fraction 

must be solved.


The Ambition of Ghosts: 
 I. Remembering into Sleep

I. Separation Precedes Meeting
The cat so close
to the fire
I smell scorched
breath. Parents,
silent, behind me,
a feeling of
trees that might fall.
Or dogs.
                 A poem,
like trying
to remember,
is a movement
of the whole body.
You follow the
into more fog.
Maybe the door ahead
the facts
from natural affection. How
can I know. I meet
too many
in every mirror.

When I was little,
was I I?
My sister? A wolf
smothered in green virtues?
of memory. Once
I’ve got something
I lie
down on it
with my whole body.
Goethe quotations, warm
sand, a smell of hay,
long afternoons.
                            But it
would take a road
would turn, with space,
in on itself,
would turn
occasion into offer. 

For days I hold
a tiny landscape between
and index:
shimmer of blue between pines.
No smell: matchbook.
Sand as schematic as
into memory,
with my blood,
to the accretions
in the arteries,
to be read with the whole
body, in the chambers
of the heart.
The light: of the match,
at last. 

Concentration: a frown
of the whole body. I can’t
remember. Too many
in all directions.
Slow movement into
                            Distant boots.
Black beetles at night. A smell
of sweat.
                 The restaurant,
yes. You’ve no idea
how much my father used to eat.
Place thick with smoke.
Cards. Beer foaming over
on the table.
                     And always
some guy said I ought
to get married,
put a pillow behind my eyes
and, with a knowing
sigh, spat
in my lap. 

The present.
As difficult as
the past, once a place
curves into
           Hips swinging elsewhere.
Castles in sand.
Or Spain. Space
of another language.
is a body of water.
You follow your lips
into its softness. Far down
the head finds its level

6. Tropisms
Inward, always. Night
curls the clover leaf
around its sleep.
The bodies of the just
all night,
through subterranean caves
which turn
in on themselves.
of forgetting. Need
of blur. The air,
large, curves
its whole body.
Big hammering waves
flatten my
Inward, the distances: male
and female fields,
rigorously equal.

The drunk fell toward me
in the street. I hope
he wasn’t
disappointed. Skinned
his sleep.
 And a smell of snow. Quite normal,
says the landlord, the master
of rubbish, smaller
and smaller in my
curved mirror.
                         I have un-
good luck: my sleep
always turns dense
and visible. There
are many witches
in Germany. Their songs
descend in steady half-tones
through you. 

You’ll die, Novalis says, you’ll die
following endless rows
of sheep into your
even breath.
like Mozart, a living
kind of air,
keeps the dream
around itself, its
missing core.
after image of pleasure
of the whole body
my sleep:

9. Introducing Decimals
A dream, like trying
to remember, breaks open words
for other,
hidden meanings. The grass
pales by degrees, twigs
quaver glassily,
flowers the window.
Intimate equations more complicated
than the coordinates of past
and Germany. The cat
can’t lift its paw,
its leg longer and longer
with effort.
A crying fit
is cancelled. An aria jelled
in the larynx.
Nothing moves in the cotton
coma: only Descartes
pinches himself
and every fraction
must be solved.