n addition to readers’ advisory blogs, there are many resources
available to help the readers’ advisor in their mission of providing
just the right book for a patron.
- http://www.jackflannel.org/ra.html
--The Readers Advisory Link Farm is exactly what it sounds like—it’s a
lot of links. This site gives you links to everything anyone needs to
know about readers’ advisory and reading guides. Resources are arranged
by genre.
- http://www.complete-review.com/
--really neat site that compiles thousands of book reviews into an easy
to use index. It also provides a helpful guide to recommended books.
- http://www.webrary.org/rs/FLbklistmenu.html
--Fiction_L listserv and archives. Compiled booklists from discussions
on Fiction_L are available on the website. Arranged by genre, author,
character, setting, and more. Maintained by Morton Grove Public Library.
- http://www.whatshouldireadnext.com/books/search
--What Should I Read Next? Database that allows a user to enter a title
and receive suggestions of books based on other user’s favorite books.
- NoveList/NoveList Plus -- http://www.ebscohost.com/novelist/
-- EBSCO databases for readers' advisory. NoveList is a fiction-only
resource. NoveList Plus covers for fiction and narrative nonfiction.
- What Do I Read Next -- http://gale.cengage.com/pdf/navguide/wdirn_nvg.pdf
-- a Thomson/Gale database where one can find over 115,000 titles,
62,000 plot summaries, many author biographies, and reading lists.
Subscription necessary.
- http://fictionfinder.oclc.org/
-OCLC's Fiction Finder. provides access to 2.8 million works of fiction
found in the OCLC WorldCat database. A user can search by genre,
fictional character, imaginary place or setting, and subject, as well as
title, author, etc.
- http://www.genreflecting.com/Adpage.html --extremely helpful resource guide classified by genre.
- http://txla.org/groups/tba/advisory.html --Readers' Advisory Information from the Texas Bluebonnet Committee
- http://www.mcpl.lib.mo.us/readers/ --Readers' Advisory Information from Mid-Continent Public Library
- http://lu.com/ranews/ --Readers' Advisor News from Libraries Unlimited
- http://ww2.kdl.org/libcat/whatsnext.asp
--Kent District Library's What's Next Database. Allows you to search by
series name, book title or name of the author to discover the book
order of a particular series.