Tuesday, July 12, 2016

The Reading Agency (history)


2002 - Launched The Reading Agency

2004 - Launched a Reading Partners scheme with publishers to get author events happening in all libraries across the UK. The scheme started with 5 publishers and now involves over 40 partners.

2011 - Launched Reading Groups for Everyone so far more people could benefit from sharing their reading. 2,500 reading groups joined

2013 - A record breaking 810,089 children took part in the 2013 Summer Reading Challenge in libraries whilst another record breaking 35,000 young people and adults took the Six Book Challenge. Launched Reading Well Books on Prescription, and was given £1million by the Paul Hamlyn Foundation to develop our Reading Activists programme for disadvantaged young people.

"During the 1990s, Miranda McKearney OBE, Anne Sarrag and Debbie Hicks worked with librarians to create three small organisations which explored new solutions to social issues caused by literacy problems. They felt there was potential for public libraries to play a bigger role in helping people become confident readers. The organisations were called Well Worth Reading, LaunchPad and The Reading Partnership."

"Around Miranda's kitchen table they brainstormed new approaches and started new programmes like the Summer Reading Challenge. The work grew hugely, and the three small organisations were merged to form a charity called The Reading Agency, launched at the British Library in 2002."