Originally, Adelaide Crapsey created the form for the American cinquain with five lines. Each line is stressed in a specific way. Additionally, as the form progressed, a syllable structure was added.
Stresses Per Line
Explore the composition of each line by looking at the specific stressed and unstressed syllables.
- The first line has one stress, which was usually an iambic meter with the first syllable unstressed and the second stressed.
- Line two has two stresses.
- Line three has three stresses.
- Line four has four stresses.
- Line five has one stress.
Syllables Per Line
Following the invention of this form, writers made changes to the form and included a certain number of syllables per line.
- Line one has two syllables.
- Line two has four syllables.
- Line three has six syllables.
- Line four has eight syllables.
- Line five has two syllables.