This site includes hundreds of poetic forms with samples and outlines, and more kinds of haiku than I would have dreamed.
Abbreviated Haiku Written in either 2 lines with syllable count 7/2 or 3 lines with syllable count 3/5/3 or 2/3/2. This is sometimes called Miku.
Alphabet Haiku Modern haiku form created by Beatrice Evans, aka Ronnica at Allpoetry
It requires only strict 5 7 5 syllable construction
with all words beginning with the same letter.
American Sentence poetry form An American haiku variation invented by Allen Ginsberg.
17 syllables written in a sentence. Any topic.
In a series if more than single line.
Brazilian Haiku Rhyming haiku
x x x x A
x B x x x x B
x x x x A
Crystalline An English Haiku analog. Two lines of 17 syllables, 8/9 or 9/8
Dodoitsu It has 26 syllables: 7 in the first, second and third lines, and 5 in the last line. (7-7-7-5)
Haiga A Haiga is a Haiku accompanied by a picture.
Haikuette Tristitch with 17 or fewer syllable, no verbs, each line separate entity but contributing to whole.
Haynaku Vividly short poetry, like haikus only very different… 1 word, 2 words, 3 words and visa Vera.
Creating imagery or conclusions with only six words in all..
Katuata Syllabic, 19 syllables or less. Usually a tercet. 5-7-7. This can also be reduced to a 5-7-5 syllable count if desired.
emotive, not necessarily logical.
Kimo An Israeli version of the Haiku. 10/7/6 syllables
Kouta A Japanese poetry form of 4 lines.
Syllabic, written in lines of alternating 7-5-7-5 syllables or 7-7-7-5 syllables.
Pixiku A three line form related to Haiku with no restrictions.
Rhaiku Verse A poem consisting of One stanza of Rhyme,
one stanza of haiku, and one stanza of free verse.
The order of the components is up to the poet.
Scifaiku Minimal, in the moment with human insight.
Written with a haiku frame
Senryu A poem in 3 lines or less.
Syllabic, 17 syllables or less.
Commonly written in 3 lines but can be written in 2 lines and can be written with fewer syllables, never more.
Tanka The tanka is defined more by content and style than syllabic prescription, still most tanka like its ancestor the waka are confined by 31 onji or syllables and broken into 5 lines of 5-7-5-7-7.
Haiku Related form Links – Reference Ever growing list
These are some of the forms I want to try:
Aquarian Unrhymed. Invented by A. Maris Mazz
Each stanza has lines of 2-4-6-2 syllables
Any number of stanzas permitted.
Atom Stnzaic: tercets.
Count letters: 5-7-5.
This poem linked tercets under title.
No punctuation or capitalization like haiku.
Benison A blessing in any verse form at poet’s discretion.
Blues Stanza • stanzaic, written in any number of triplets.
• accentual verse with 4 to 6 stresses a line, or whatever. The syllable count is 12 or close enough. You can see, there is lots of room to wiggle here. The meter changes to iambic pentameter when the stanza is used in the Blues Sonnet.
• structured. L1 makes a statement, L2 repeats L1 with minor variation, often a beat or two short, and L3 responds, with a “climatic parallel” to the first 2 lines. (a culminating contrast or extension of the statement) In effect you are writing a rhyming couplet posing as a triplet.
• rhymed, rhyme scheme aaa, bbb, ccc, ddd.
Brevette 2 Word Poem. subject (noun), verb, and object (noun), in this exact order. The verb should show an ongoing action. This is done by spacing out the letters in the verb. There are only three words in the poem.
Diminishing Hexaverse A six stanza poem where the first stanza has six line of six syllable, the next has five lines of 5 syllables, etc..
Dribble The dribble is a brief poem consisting of exactly 100 letters
Etheree The first line is a monosyllabic word; the second line has two syllables, and so on, until the tenth line with, ultimately, ten syllables.
Fantasy A three stanza, structured, syllabic poem of 20 lines
Rhymed: abccaba deffed gghhiii
Glosa, Glose, or Gloss A poem beginning with another poet’s single stanza, which become lines in your subsequent stanzas.
Grook The grooks are characterized by irony, paradox, brevity, precise use of language, sophisticated rhythms and rhymes and often satiric nature.
Hex Sonnata Meter: Iambic Trimeter
Rhyme Scheme: a/bb/aa/b c/dd/cc/d ee
Imaginaerium abcaba deed ff
12 syllables per line
Written as follows: Sestet/ Quatrain/Couplet
Loonies 5 line, 13 word poem.
It is word-based with 1/5/5/1/1 words per line.
It is formulaic: the words in the final two lines must be hyphenated.
Lune Kelly Lune, Syllables: 5-3-5
Collom Lune, Words: 3-5-3
Any topic, meter, rhyme, metaphor allowed.
Magic 9 A 9 line poem
Line-length and metrics at the discretion of the poet
Rhyme pattern: abacadaba
Minute The Minute Poem is a 60 syllable verse form, one syllable for each second in a minute. The theme should be an event that is over and done completely, as in a minute. Since the dominant line is short the effect is likely humorous, whimsical or semi-serious.
Naani A four line poem consisting of from 20 to 25 syllables.
Pensee syllabic count 2-4-7-8-6; line 1 is the subject; line 2 gives description
line 3, action; line 4, the setting; line 5, final thought.
Pleiades Only one word is allowed in the title followed by a single seven-line stanza. The first word in each line begins with the same letter as the title.
Sonnetina Quatro 1. The form comprises of two stanzas. These are a sestet and a quatrain.
2. The sestet and quatrain may appear either way round, but the more usual design is the sestet first.
Rhyme Scheme: ababab cdcd
And so much more! Find your own form favorites. (The names are inspiring all on their own.)
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