Bibliotherapy as defined by a cognitive behaviourist.
One reader's reconciliation of habit with passion & pleasure with self-actualization
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
American Counseling Assoc "Getting Unstuck"
American Counseling Association Presentation - 3/21/2010
Getting Unstuck: Creative Healing Approaches
Program Description
Creative interventions combine the tenets of expressive therapies with the principle of brain(neuro-)plasticity. Neuroscientists know that the human brain continues to grow and reorganize over the course of a lifetime. Counselors can use these principles to interrupt patternedknowledge and thoughts. Using novelty of the creative arts, right-brain (a.k.a. unconscious)“information” will surface, interact, and alter the predictable and known.
Talk therapy tends to review previously-learned information and calls on left-brain logic. Conversely, expressive therapies offer novelty through a task that does not call on logic. Creative approaches integrate regions of both right and left hemisphere to help form new neural pathways.
A review the work of Ernest Rossi, PhD (Diplomat Clinical Psychology) and Daniel Siegel, M.D.(National Institute of Mental Health Research Fellow) provides theoretical basis for the program. Siegel’s work suggests that non-linear thinking, in particular slower, contemplative brain waves, access lesser-used portions of the right-hemisphere where emotional intelligence is thought to reside. Rossi trained as a psychologist but is also a scholar of neuroscience and molecular biology.
Promoting the idea of brain plasticity, Rossi examines how “Art, beauty (Beauty), and truth lead to gene expression, giving rise to new proteins and new connections in the brain.”
~ Getting Unstuck ~
Creative Healing Approaches
A. Therapy Assumptions
• Therapy is a creative endeavor.
• Client problems are ineffective adaptations.
• Solutions lie within the client. !
• Positive outcomes require creative thinking by counselor and the client.
B. Change Assumptions!
• Therapy is the process of learning; a.k.a. - changing the mind.
• Learning requires the development of new neuropathways.
• Unfamiliar (novel) information stimulates new genes, cells, and neuropathways, which incites learning.
• The growth potential exists so long as the brain is alive.
• Learning is enhanced when it is multimodal, collaborative, and embodied.
I. Expressive Therapies
• What Do They Have In Common?
! ! Words to Remember
Unusual & Unexpected
Experiential & Embodied
! ! • What is Creativity Anyhow?
Imaginative! ! ! ! ! !
Original & Unique
II. Something Known – Something Unknown
! • Left Brain Knowing – A frog is a frog is a frog.
• The Sign Mind ! ! !
Labels Things
Practiced – Rule Bound
Knows language
• Right Brain Learning – Do you know what this is?
! ! • The Design Mind
Constructs Patterns – Recognizes gestalt
Deals with complexity
Interprets unknown, unrecognized information
Concepts without languages
! • Split Brain Research & The Corpus Callosum
! ! ! ! ! !
! • You Put Your Whole Brain In
Orchestration of Two Separate Brains - Design Mind & Sign Ming
Teamwork Between Logic & Emotion
Partnership Of Left & Right Hemisphere
! ! Accesses Right Hemisphere & Alpha Brain Waves
Day Dreaming Searching Gestalt & Memory
Concept Formation
Info Stored for Later
Idea Image Takes
Passed Over
New Idea Takes Shape Conversation With
Left Hemisphere
New Learned Behavior or Concept
III. Favorable Conditions For Growth & Learning
! • A - HA Moments – Synaptic Connection
! • Quiet Mind
! • Ambiguity & The Associative Human Mind
• Brain Wave Activity – Gamma, Beta, Alpha, Theta, Delta
! • Contemplative Activity Activates Alpha Brain Waves
! ! • What Spawns The Contemplative ?
! • Novelty Activates - Right Brain (Alpha Brain Waves)
! • Truth, Art, & Beauty Awaken & Feed The Mind.
IV.Expressive Therapy and Creative Homework (see related handout)!!
A Sampling of Expressive Therapy (Contemplative & Experiental)!
Art /PhotoTherapy
Movement/Dance Therapy
Play, Puppets, Drama,
Psychodrama Therapy
Music Therapy
Poetry Therapy/Narrative
V. Therapist Development! ! !
! ! Cultivate Your Creative Energy!
Develop Your “right mind.”
Take time for art, beauty, truth & novelty.
Learn to take risks – Rollo May “The Courage to Create.”
Commit to experiential sessions: Embrace spontaneous possibilities.
Recognize the creative impulses in your clients – Play to them. Play with
them.! !
Wave Frequency Associated Mental State
Beta 12hz - 38hz
Wide awake. This is generally the mental state most people are in during the day and
most of their waking lives. Usually, this state in itself is uneventful, but don't
underestimate its importance. Many people lack sufficient Beta activity, which can cause mental or emotional disorders such as depression, ADD and insomnia. Stimulating Beta
activity can improve emotional stability, energy levels, attentiveness and concentration.
Alpha 8hz - 12hz
Awake but relaxed and not processing much information. When you get up in the
morning and just before sleep, you are naturally in this state. When you close your eyes your brain automatically starts producing more Alpha waves.
Alpha is usually the goal of experienced meditators, but to enter it using NP2 is
incredibly easy. Since Alpha is a very receptive, absorbent mental state, you can also use it for effective self-hypnosis, mental re-programming, accelerated learning and more.
Theta 3hz - 8hz
Light sleep or extreme relaxation.
Theta can also be used for hypnosis, accelerated learning and self-programming using
pre-recorded suggestions.
Delta 0.2hz - 3hz
Deep, dreamless sleep. Delta is the slowest band of brainwaves. When your dominant
brainwave is Delta, your body is healing itself and "resetting" its internal clocks. You do not dream in this state and are completely unconscious.
Therapeutic Continuity
Expressive Homework Ideas
Creative Therapy Some Possible Themes
Examples of Homework
Sketches & Doodles
Themes: Discovery.
Solutions, Self-Awareness,
Creative Energy
• Portrait of the Real Me.
• Sketches From My Future.
• Overcoming The Demon.
Collage Themes: Discovery. Solutions,
Self-Awareness, Creative Energy
• Images of Self.
• Childhood Dreams.
• Smiles.
Taking Photos
Existing Photo Albums
Themes: Discovery, Memory,
Appreciation of Nature & Beauty,
Creative Energy
• Images of Light or Beauty.
• Children at Play.
• Moments of Joy-present or historic.
Organized Fitness Classes Yoga
Tai Chi, Qigong
Themes: Self-confidence, Self &
Body-Awareness, Fitness,
Socialization, Concentration.
• Sample classes to find a good fit.
• Practice yoga, tai chi etc. at home.
Dance & Rhythm
Organized Classes
Practice & Play at Home
Themes: Self-confidence, Self &
Body-Awareness, Fitness,
Socialization, Concentration.
• Sign up for a class.
• Dance With the Broom.
• Drumming.
Music & Rhythm
Listen, Participate, Write Music
Themes: Self-confidence, Self
Awareness, Voice & Personal
Expression, Socialization,
• Sing in the Shower.
• Join a choir, chorus.
• Discover lyrics that speak to you.
Read, Write, Respond To Poems
Themes: Growth, Development,
Overcoming Hardship & Grief.
Personal & Creative Expression.
• Ten Poems To Change Your Life
(Roger Housden, 2001.)
• Write List Poems:“I Say Yes to . . .”
• “Multitude of Gratitude.”
Bibliotherapy & Cinematherapy
Reading Articles or Books,
Watching Videos or Film
Themes: Growth, Development,
Overcoming Hardship & Grief,
Understand Human Experiences
Watch “Field Of Dreams.”
• Read Ordinary People. (J. Guest)
• Self - Help Article or Book.
Journaling & Creative Writing
Train of Thought Writing (free)
Unsent Letters, Lists, Dialogues
Themes: Growth, Development,
Overcoming Hardship & Grief.
Personal & Creative Expression
• The Artist’s Way (Julia Cameron.)
• Journal To The Self (Adams.)
• “One Time I Found My Way.”
•“Ten Things I Can Do Today.”
Active Metaphors
Embodied Learning
Themes: Growth, Overcoming
Doubt, Fear, or Guilt.
Empowerment, Extinguish or
Practice a Behavior, Embody A
Positive Attribute.
• Burning “Old Tapes.”
• Plant Seeds
• Coin-Toss Walk
(coin determines the route.)
• Collect Symbols of Identity.
• Give a Gift Each Day
Fantasy Roles
Themes: Family Therapy, Self-
Awareness, Empowerment, Empathy,
Spontaneity, Personal Expression.
• Make a Mask – try wearing it.
• Pretend you are brave today.
• Join an Improv group.
Play Therapy & Sandtray
Miniatures - Costumes
Puppets - Games
Themes: Empowerment, Self-
Awareness, Healing Crisis &
Trauma, Communication
• Solve arguments with foam swords.
• Create Shadow-Box Solutions.
• Draw pictures of empowering play.
Guided Imagery
Themes: Overcoming Anxiety &
Phobias, Physical & Emotional
Well-Being, Habit Control
• Recorded Session of Guided
Visualization or Muscle Relaxation.
• Meditation.
• Yoga Nedra & Qigong Practice.
Note: Sample Themes are limited by space. Expressive Therapies work with a multitude of issues.
Who ever said that expressing feelings makes us weak?
Who said it is best to keep problems to yourself?
When did we start believing that “acting strong” is a virtue?
The Truth
Suppressed negative emotions, like toxic waste, erode mental and physical health.
Feelings – good or bad – are a normal part of living.
Expressing troublesome emotions opens the door to relief.
James Pennebaker1 has conducted extensive research into the value of expressing emotions after trauma.
Keeping it in yields recurrent unwanted thoughts, higher levels of anxiety
and depression, insomnia, and a variety of health problems.
Pennebaker’s researchers measured blood pressure, pulse, white blood count, and reported illness before and after writing about painful experiences and troubling emotions. The studies follow subjects for 6 months after they write for 20 minutes on two consecutive days. Pennebaker found that writers who experienced traumas, including those who committed crime, received powerful physical and psychological benefits from Opening Up.
In a similar vein, the researchers discovered that people suffer more health problems when they fail to express their emotional pain and sadness when grieving a loved one. Those who talked (or wrote) about the death experienced fewer health concerns.
These studies help us understand the connections between emotional distress and health. Writing about trauma reduces trauma’s stress on physical and emotional health systems. Similarly journaling about personal secrets removes the shame from those secrets. The process of writing helps make sense of negative life events. Pennebaker outlines a writing protocol to encourage physical and mental healing.
Tuesday, July 24, 2012
From intro to Literary Seductions
Though i don't agree with many of ideas presented in chapters following the intro, there are some good references and quotes in Frances Wilson's opening. She is obviously a good researcher, though I think somewhat narrow in her analyses.
Anyway, some of the good bits:
"Reading, Barthes observes, is like those other solitary acts, praying and masturbation. ...We all indulge in the psychic dissolution of space when we read, the experience of being neither 'here or there', as Michele de Certeau says of the reader straddled between the inside of the book and the outside of the other world, 'one or the other...simultaneously inside and outside, dissolving both by mixing them together'. ...Freud felt hysteria was a loss of one's place in one's story, the letting-go of a narrative structure vital to one's sense of self. The task of the psychoanalyst is to enable the patient not to distinguish between fiction and reality but to recognize - and to read - the shape of the fiction she gives to experience. ...Laura Riding said 'poems are born of the tension between saying everything and saying nothing.'"
Monday, July 16, 2012
Study shows positive results for increased sexual desire in women applying bibliotherapy
And this would be true for men as well, though less often a problem. . .
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
Taylor & Francis/ Routledge articles $$$ on bibliotherapy
(Sometimes it's possible to find the articles online free from other sources by doing academic search in google.)
Wednesday, July 04, 2012
Sunday, July 01, 2012
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